Unit 2 Chemistry Review Answers 10 Th Grade
| Bones Mole Conversions (Stoichiometry*) Objective : learn basic conversions between grams, particles, and mol (2 class) *Notation: this topic is of import, it contains math, and it requires your attending. - know that 1 mol of an element weighs its Relative Atomic Mass in GRAMS , and has half dozen.02 ten ten 23 atoms of that element - be able to summate how many atoms are in a sample of an element based on its mass Case: How many atoms are in 0.34 1000 of of Boron(B)?0.34 g B x 1 mol B 106.02 x 1023 atoms of B = 1.89 x 1022 atoms ten.eight yard B 1 mol B | -2.i Intro Activity - your group(of 2 or 3) will receive a few samples - utilise the information cards, your PT, and the scales to calculate how many atoms are in each sample. - testify your work clearly -ii.1 Mass-Particle Problems 2.1 Mol Activity. Calculate:
2.two | Tooth Mass Objective : solve molar mass(Mr) problems (1-i.v class) - know the definition of Molar MASS(Mr)= the mass in grams of 1 mol of particles(atoms or molecules) of a substance - ane mole of an element weights its Relative Atomic Mass in grams - 1 mol of Oxygen (O) has a mass of 16 grand/mol (from the periodic table) - one mol of HCl has a mass of (H+Cl) = (ane+35) = 36 g/mol - solve problems from grams to mol - solve problems from mol to grams -Samples with Videos explaining how to solve them: 1. How many mol is iv.v x 10 21 atoms of Carbon 2. viii.02 x 10 24 molecules of water is how manymol of water? Video for #1-2 3. how many atoms are in two.18 mol ofiron ? Video for #3 (ignore #4 from the video) | - 2.two In-Class Tooth Mass problems: State/Calculate the Tooth Mass of: (include units) Cl C Au H 2 O CH 4 NH iii CO 2 - 2.2 Hands on: - Calculate the Tooth Mass of a couple specific chemicals in their canteen. -detect the Molar Mass on iii dissimilar chemic bottles - two.2 Issues ane |
| -ii.2 MgO Mini-Lab - 2.two Stations | |
2.3 | Mol to Mol Bug Objective : exist able to solve mol to mol problems using balanced chemical reactions (two class) -sympathise that Reactants become the Products in a chemical reaction - exist able to balance basic chemic reactions - interactive tutorial - adept tutorial - tutorial - VIDEO - Balancing Game - Online problems: Site 1 Site 2 Site iii - HANDOUT with problems-understand the subscripts in the compounds cannot be changed - sympathize that the COEFFICIENTS in a reaction are Mole Ratios -be able to convert from mol of i substance to mol of another substance using the mole ratios (solve Molar Ratio Problems) SAMPLE : In this reaction 3 H 2 + 1 N 2 --> two NH iii for every iii mol of H ii you need 1 mol of Due north two and you make 2mol of NH 3 . If you have three mol ofH2 , you would need 1 mol of North 2 Problem: If you had 0.xl mol of N2, how many mol of H2 would you need ? 0.40 mol N2 x 3 mol H2/1 mol N2 = (0.40)(iii) = ane.2 mol of H2 are needed - Are you enjoying these problems, so try these out : Further Stoichiometry practise | -two.3 Intro: What do y'all know? Balance these reactions: H 2 + O 2 → H 2 O H 2 + N two → NH 3 CH iv + O two → CO ii + H two O - 2.3 Mol-to-mol issues - ii.three Mol-to-mol Mini Lab 1. use a burette to place five mL of 3 M HCl in a boiling tube. Put the tube in a flask and add a few drops of "Indicator". The acid has 0.015 mol HCl 2. Residue the reaction: HCl(aq) + Mg(s) --> H2(thou) + MgCl2(aq) three. Calculate how many mol Mg(s) tin can react 4. Summate how many grams of Mg(s) this is 5. Mensurate out a strip of Mg(s) and add it to the acid. Notice |
two.iii (2) | Molarity Objective : exist able to solve molarity problems and be able to make a solution (two class) - REVIEW: yous should know that a "SOLUTION" is when an chemical element or a compound "is dissolved" in water. The element/compound that dissolves is the SOLUTE and the water is the SOLVENT - know that the concentration of a solution is measured in mol/L. This is called MOLARITY - it is mol of solute / Liters of solution - know that the concentration reads/sounds similar "0.five Molar" = 0.5 M = 0.v mol/Fifty - be able to solve problems for Molarity, mol, or Volume using the equation: Thou= n/5 - solve problems where you solve for the Molarity (M)- solve problems where you solve for the amount of mol (north) - solve problems where you solve for the Volume (V) *remember that the Book must be in LITERS, so if y'all get the book in mL, you must convert to L -TUTORIALwith problems and answers - Case 1: Due west hat is the MOLARITY of a solution of NaOH, if ii liters of the solution contains 4 moles of NaOH?A. 0.5 1000 B. 2 M C. eight Yard D. eighty M - Example 2: Calculate the molarity of a solution that has x.0 thou of KCl dissolved in 200 mL of water. M = mol = (ten 1000 KCl x 1 mol/74.4 one thousand) = 0.xiii mol = 0.65 mol/L = 0.65 1000 L(200 mL x 1L/grand mL) 0.ii 50 - Example iii: What is the molarity of a solution containing xx grams of NaOH in 0.five Liters of solution? A. ane K B. two G C. 0.04 Grand D. 0.v M - Due east xample: xx.0 grams of NaCl are dissolved in 100 mL of water. Calculate the concentration(Molarity) of the s olution in mol / Fifty. Reply: we need the mol of the NaCl and the Liters of water. 20.0 chiliad NaCl 10 one mol = 0.34 mol NaCl 58 g we need the Liters of water: 100 mL = 0.one L and so Concentration(molarity) = 0.34 mol / 0.i L = 3.4 mol/Fifty | -2.3 Demo: making a solution - review measuring cylinder, scale, magnetic stirrer -two.3 Make a Solution Mini-Lab - hand out papers (M, table salt, V) - pair up and make - label -2.3 Molarity Explanation+Prob'due south+Answers - two.iii MOLARITY problems -2.3 On-Line Molarity Problems |
2.four | Acid and Bases -know these three facts about acids and bases a. Acids and Bases existONLY adue south aqueous solutions ! (aq) means dissolved in solution c. a Base of operations is a compound that dissolves in water and splits up to give an OH- - Here are more examples of acids and bases. | -two.4 Private Acrid or Base of operations Research. | ||||||||||||||
2.four (cont) | pH Scale - know that the STRENGTH of an acid or a base is determined by the CONCENTRATION(Molarity) of the H+ IONS - know that the pH scale tells us how "strong" an acid or a base of operations is - The pH scale tells us about the Molarity(CONCENTRATION) of the H+ ions in a solution - a "strong" acid has a high concentration of Hydrogen ions[H+] - Apply these resources to write a few facts nigh the pH scale on a white board with your partner - this site shows a bit of what we will practice Side by side Year in 11th Chem ! Give it a effort if you desire ! -draw the basic pH scale and - understand the colour scale and the pH values of using a Universal indicator(liquid or paper) -know that each number on the pH scale tells us the concentration of[H+] dissolved in the solution - know that each number on the pH calibration is ten times less(or more) [H+] dissolved in the solution Optional (if time allows) | - - Class Activeness : 2.4.2 Hands-On(to be finalized)
- 2.4.2 pH Bug - THINKING About DP CHEMISTRY? Check out these sites: - Website one - Website two | ||||||||||||||
2.5 | Acrid-Base Reactions - know that an Acid base neutralization reaction has this structure: ACID + Base --> WATER + Table salt understand they are "double replacement" reactions - be able to Write an Acrid Base Reactions HNOiii + KOH --> KNO3 + HiiO - website - website - website -website - Some other fashion to look at an acrid is to think of the acid every bit a substance that DONATES an H+ to a Base. For example:HCl + H2O --> Cl- + H3O+ | - 2.five Practice Writing Acid-Base of operations Neutralization Reactions: a. Wait at the four compounds below and determine which are Acids and which are Bases(Alkali). b. Write the Acid-Base reaction for every possible combination of an acid and a base. You should write 4 reactions. Each reaction should produce water and something else.NaOH H(NOiii ) HCl KOH Answers -two.5 Demo. Exothermic Acid+Base Extension: NH3 + HCl --> NaOH + H2O --> NH3 + NaOH --> | ||||||||||||||
2.5 (cont.) | Titration -know the purpose of a titration is tocalculate the molarity of an acid by neutralizing information technology - know that the main slice of equipment used for a Titration is a burette or buret -describe a Titration - solve problems for a titration where Base is added from a buret to an Acid in a beaker. moment when the pH = seven : ( Ma )(Va) = (Yardb)(5b) Yard a is the Molarity of the Acid, which is what nosotros're solving for Five a is the Book(L) of Acrid we neutralized in the beaker M b is the Molarity of the Base of operations we added 5 b is the Volume(L) of Base of operations we added to neutralize the Acid - Sample trouble : A educatee adds 15.0 mL of 0.5 Yard NaOH from a burette into a flask with 25.0 mL of HCl acid. The acid is of unknown concentration. When the 15.0 mL of NaOH were added, the student observed that the reaction mixture was neutral. Calculate the molarity of the acid: (Ma)(Va) = (Mb)(Vb) (Ma)(25 mL) = (0.5 M )(fifteen mL) Ma = (0.5)(15) / ( 25) Ma = 0.3 1000 The Concentration of the HCl acid is = 0.3 M | -2.five Demonstration: Titration i. accept notes on the set-upwards of a titration of HCl with NaOH two. Complete this paragraph: In a titration, nosotros fill a buret with a _________, and we put an __________ in a chalice. We know the concentration of the _______ merely we do not know the the concentration of the acid. Nosotros add together base from the ________ to the acrid until the acid is ______________ and the pH=_____. 3.draw the change in pH of the acid during the titration four. What happens to the H+ ions in the acid during the titration? 5. Summate the Molarity of the Acid using the data from the sit-in 6. Write the Acrid Base Neutralization reaction - 2.5 ONLINE QUIZ -two.v Simulation 1 - write the reaction that takes place - Complete this simulation and use MaVa = MbVb to solve for the concentration of the acrid. | ||||||||||||||
2.5 (cont) | Titration Curves - know that every bit you add Base to an Acid in a titration, the pH makes a curve as shown below. And the point where the [H+] = [OH-] is at pH = 7 and information technology is called the "equivalence bespeak". At the betoken, the volume of base added has the aforementioned amount of mol of OH- every bit the acid in the flask has H+. the example beneath shows that when 25.0 mL of base(NaOH) was added, the pH =seven, and Sample Problem : If 10.0 mL of HCl were titrated past 0.2 Grand NaOH equally shown by the graph above, what is the concentration(molarity) of the acid? Ma = ? Va = 10 mL Ma Va = Mb Vb Mb = 0.2 M Ma (10) = (0.2)(25) Vb = 25 mL Ma = 0.v M | -2.5 Mini-lab 1; Titration: ane- Prepare-up a Titration 2- Add NaOH from the burette 3- brand a graph of pH vs. mL of Base of operations Added 4- use the Graph to find the Volume of Base added to neutralize the acid five- use MaVa = MbVb to summate the molarity of an unknown acid by titration. -2.5 Simulationane- select the outset action 2- click on the screen to advance to the simulation 3- Empathize that you volition add together NaOH Base to 25 mL of an Acid OF UNKNOWN CONCENTRATION . 4- Enter a CONCENTRATION between 0.5 and 1.0 One thousand for the NaOH concentration into the first field. 5- In the purple line, enterhow many mL of Base y'all volition Add together each time y'all clickon theburet valve (choose any value from 0.5 to 1.5 mL) 6-Add ALL 50 mL of NaOH and observe the graph 7. where on the graph practise the MOL OF ACID = MOL OFBASE ? viii. calculate the mol of BASE that were added ix. calculate the concentration of the ACID. Show your work clearly. Check your respond on the site. 2.5 Titration Practice Problems | ||||||||||||||
Cease HERE !!!! | ||||||||||||||||
ii.half dozen (1.v) | Types of Reactions Objective : exist able to recognize unlike types of reactions and predict their products (1-1.five course) - website - online quiz - -be able to recognize and predict products for: - combustion - formation - solution - unmarried replacement(Redox) - double replacement | -ii.6 Demos: - combustion - remind of Mg + HCl equally SR (REDOX) - Al + Cu2+ - remind precipitates every bit double replacement - reactions that produce a gas(single repl/redox) -2.half dozen Reaction Types Problems | ||||||||||||||
(one) | Review | |||||||||||||||
2.7 | TEST | |||||||||||||||
2.8 (iii days) | LAB: Voltaic Prison cell |
| FORMATION REACTIONS -Know that a Formation REACTION is when two or more than pure elements combine to class one chemical compound as the production - be able to write germination reactions for COVALENT COMPOUNDS(both not-metals). - If covalent, use Lewis structures to determine the formula of the product - be able to write formation reactions for IONIC COMPOUNDS(not-metal and a metal) - if ionic, then use the charges of each to detect the formula - know which elements are diatomic to be able to write reactions. - Website with examples of germination reactions - simple animation of the germination of NaCl - ii.one Problems. Write the formation reaction for these combinations. Decide if each one makes a Covalent or an Ionic compound and determine the formula of the compound. a. Copper and Sulfur (assume copper has a 1+ charge) b. Calcium and Chlorine (think that Chlorine is a diatomic elements) c. Carbon and Hydrogen come up together to make C2H4 (remember that Hydrogen is diatomic) d. Nitrogen and Hydrogen come together to make ammonia NH3. (H and N are both diatomic) east. write the balanced germination reaction for: ii. MgS 2.ane Formation reaction Problems and Mini-Lab 1: 2.1 Formation reaction of MgO LAB. Full lab study. . - 2.1Sum-up questions (GREAT test practice questions ) | |
REACTIONS IN SOLUTION - sympathize that MANY reactions take place between elements and compounds that are dissolved in a solution. These reactions - this is an of import concept because when an element is in its "normal" country, its atoms are neutral. For example copper is a crimson metal when information technology is "normal". Simply when copper atoms lose electrons(and go positively charged), the atoms Deliquesce. When copper dissolves information technology makes a beautiful blue solution. Copper reacts differently when it is neutral than when information technology is dissolved. | ||
2.2.1 | SOLUTIONS - to understand WHY things dissolve, we must starting time sympathize MOLECULE POLARITY . - know that molecules are "POLAR" if they have bonds with uneven sharing of electrons. - know that electronegativity is a number that tells you how strongly an atom will pull on a shared pair of electronsDifference Polar or Not-Polar0 - 0.eight not-polar covalent (the deviation is then little, that they share the electrons) 0.eight-one.8 polar covalent (the difference is enough so that they share the electrons unevenly) ane.viii+ ionic (the difference is and then large that one cantlet basically takes the electrons) - exist able to use an Electronegativity table like the ane below to decide if a bond is POLAR or not. - empathize that POLAR MOLECULES have a negative pole and a positive pole-know that Water molecules are polar , that take a negative end(the oxygen) and a positive end (the Hydrogens).- be able to draw a h2o molecule, prove how it is "polar" and describe how information technology is polar. - Know that because water is polar, it tin can: 2. stick to itself (cohesion and surface tension) 3. stick to other substances (adhesion) | -two.2.1INTRO to Polarity handout (electronegativity) -In-class: Which one of these bonds is POLAR ? |
ii.2.ii | HOW DOES WATER DISSOLVE ? Now that we know that h2o is polar, we can begin to understand how h2o dissolves things. -be able to describe how substances deliquesce in h2o - sympathize that reactions in solution are betwixt the solutes and the h2o(solvent) is but a medium for the reaction - know the terms SOLUTE, SOLVENT, AQUEOUS - when you stir carbohydrate into tea, the carbohydrate is the SOLUTE which is dissolving in the h2o(the solvent) | |
2.2.3 | - Small Mini-IA like action: - Go to explorelearning.com - annals to class 3QFHENVDB4 - select "SOLUBILITY AND TEMPERATURE" - choose either Potassium nitrate OR Sodium chloride - utilize the simulation to make a solution at 5 different temperatures. For each one, decide the maximum amount of solute that tin can be dissolved. - for each temperature, CALCULATE the maximum MOLARITY - on graph paper, make a graph of Temperature(10-centrality) and Maximum MOLARITY(y-axis). -turn in your graph and your calculations |
10.3 Redox Reactions
REDOX in solution, Acids + Metals metal with metal ions
REDOX REACTIONS. investigate CuSO$ and Zn Replacement Reactions / "Oxidation-Reduction" Reactions
SR: Mg + HCl
DR: Precipitate
Source: https://sites.google.com/a/thekaustschool.org/10th-grade-chemistry/Language-A
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